Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Game 22 - Granderson is the Man-derson once more!

Granderson is back in the line-up and I'm pleased I can use his name to make puns again. Can the winning streak get to 3 games and get us within 4 games of 500? Let's find out!


Corova said...

The Man-derson has his first run of the year. No hits, but he came around on a walk. Good work, Man-derson. Kenny Rogers, please find your pine-tar and start using it again. Thank you.

Corova said...

And Tigers relievers are... Cromulent? Since when? Both Rapada and Lopez are damn good. This is pleasing to me.

Corova said...


Corova said...


Corova said...

11 run inning. So that's what this lineup is supposed to do.

Corova said...

11 run 6th for the Tigers. Apparently they also had an 11 run 6th on April 23, 2004. Baseball is weird, man.

General Mobius said...

The winning streak looks like it will continue to 4. Most excellent.