Friday, April 4, 2008

Can the Tigers actually win? (Game 4 open thread)

Nate Robertson says "YES WE CAN!" Let's see if he's right. If not, enjoy monitoring my descent into madness... TIGERS vs. WHITESOX!


Corova said...

1st inning over, 2 Ks, 1 hit, no runs. Good work, Nate. I don't want to stab you.

Corova said...

Clete Thomas might become my new Tiger. He likes to get hits!

Corova said...

Bases loaded, no outs.... Maggs up! And a double play! Oh well, at least a run scored and a guy moved to third. Better than getting shut out, again. Maybe the offense will actually work this game!

Corova said...

And... a dinger. Tigers down 2-1. The world makes me sad.

Corova said...

RBI single by Thomas followed by a stolen base. This kid is awesome!

Corova said...

5 runs on 5 hits and 1 walk through 3... WHY CAN'T OUR HITTERS DO THAT???

Corova said...

Tie game thanks to a bitchin' third inning by the Tigers. Good work, boys! I may yet survive the afternoon!

Corova said...

Still struggling to get those runners on third home. Damnit. 2nd and 3rd with 1 out should be at least one run!

General Mobius said...

And... 8-5. We're going to be 0-4.

General Mobius said...

From the FOX Sports Power Rankings: "The Tigers open with the Royals and White Sox, which means a good start should be in store."


Corova said...

Well, pitching lost us this one... Well, that and 20-some runners left on base. I can't wait to start drinking the memory of this game away tonight!